Available Bulldogs
Meet Shorti My name is Shorti and I am 13 months old. I am a 35 lb bundle of puppy energy and love. I came into rescue from a local shelter when my owner was no longer able to take care of me. I loved all the people at the shelter who took such good care of me. My...
Available Bulldogs
Meet “KoKo” – ** Medical Hold ** Spayed Female – Tri-Color – 3 years old – weighs: 50 pounds KoKo is one Special Little Lady who loves her Plush Squeaky Toys and Playing Dress Up! KoKo enjoys kids of all ages and would love to have...
Available Bulldogs
Meet Frank He is 2 1/2 years old. He came into rescue as an owner surrender. His owners could not afford medical care for him. He is a 50 lb. boy who struggles with anxiety. He doesn’t travel well in the car. His anxiety can cause him to get stressed and potentially...
Available Bulldogs
Meet Coco My name is Coco. I am hoping that Santa can bring me a new home for Christmas. I have been in rescue for over a year and I am getting very sad that I will have another holiday with no new mom or dad. My special wish is a quiet home with someone to spend lots...
Available Bulldogs
Tinkles (a.k.a Ladybug, Lady for short), this beautiful 7-year-old Bulldog, could be your perfect shadow. Tinkles was found wandering in a SF Peninsula city. She had a dirty collar on and was dragging a chain-type leash. She had infected ears, infected eyes, and an...
Available Bulldogs
Meet Cricket Cricket – Female Spayed -French Bulldog/Bulldog Mix – Reddish Brown and White, 3 years old and weighs: 30.0 pounds Cricket came into Rescue via the Local Shelter. Hard to believe this cutie didn’t get claimed. She is Personality Plus!...